Wrapper script | > Script written by Matt Mecham | > Date started: 14th February 2002 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //----------------------------------------------- // USER CONFIGURABLE ELEMENTS //----------------------------------------------- // Root path define( 'ROOT_PATH', "./" ); // Enable module usage? // (Vital for some mods and IPB enhancements) define ( 'USE_MODULES', 1 ); //----------------------------------------------- // NO USER EDITABLE SECTIONS BELOW //----------------------------------------------- define ( 'IN_IPB', 1 ); error_reporting (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); class Debug { function startTimer() { global $starttime; $mtime = microtime (); $mtime = explode (' ', $mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $starttime = $mtime; } function endTimer() { global $starttime; $mtime = microtime (); $mtime = explode (' ', $mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $endtime = $mtime; $totaltime = round (($endtime - $starttime), 5); return $totaltime; } } class info { var $member = array(); var $input = array(); var $session_id = ""; var $base_url = ""; var $vars = ""; var $skin_id = "0"; // Skin Dir name var $skin_rid = ""; // Real skin id (numerical only) var $lang_id = "en"; var $skin = ""; var $lang = ""; var $server_load = 0; var $version = "v1.3.1 Final"; var $lastclick = ""; var $location = ""; var $debug_html = ""; var $perm_id = ""; var $forum_read = array(); var $topic_cache = ""; var $session_type = ""; function info() { global $sess, $std, $DB, $INFO; $this->vars = &$INFO; $this->vars['TEAM_ICON_URL'] = $INFO['html_url'] . '/team_icons'; $this->vars['AVATARS_URL'] = $INFO['html_url'] . '/avatars'; $this->vars['EMOTICONS_URL'] = $INFO['html_url'] . '/emoticons'; $this->vars['mime_img'] = $INFO['html_url'] . '/mime_types'; } } //-------------------------------- // Import $INFO, now! //-------------------------------- $INFO = array(); require ROOT_PATH."conf_global.php"; //-------------------------------- // The clocks a' tickin' //-------------------------------- $Debug = new Debug; $Debug->startTimer(); //-------------------------------- // Require our global functions //-------------------------------- require ROOT_PATH."sources/functions.php"; $std = new FUNC; $print = new display(); $sess = new session(); //-------------------------------- // Load the DB driver and such //-------------------------------- $INFO['sql_driver'] = !$INFO['sql_driver'] ? 'mySQL' : $INFO['sql_driver']; $to_require = ROOT_PATH."sources/Drivers/".$INFO['sql_driver'].".php"; require ($to_require); $DB = new db_driver; $DB->obj['sql_database'] = $INFO['sql_database']; $DB->obj['sql_user'] = $INFO['sql_user']; $DB->obj['sql_pass'] = $INFO['sql_pass']; $DB->obj['sql_host'] = $INFO['sql_host']; $DB->obj['sql_tbl_prefix'] = $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix']; $DB->obj['debug'] = ($INFO['sql_debug'] == 1) ? $_GET['debug'] : 0; // Get a DB connection $DB->connect(); //-------------------------------- // Wrap it all up in a nice easy to // transport super class //-------------------------------- $ibforums = new info(); //-------------------------------- // Set up our vars //-------------------------------- $ibforums->input = $std->parse_incoming(); //-------------------------------- // Short tags... //-------------------------------- if ( $ibforums->input['showforum'] != "" ) { $ibforums->input['act'] = "SF"; $ibforums->input['f'] = intval($ibforums->input['showforum']); } else if ( $ibforums->input['showtopic'] != "") { $ibforums->input['act'] = "ST"; $ibforums->input['t'] = intval($ibforums->input['showtopic']); // Grab and cache the topic now as we need the 'f' attr for // the skins... $DB->query("SELECT t.*, f.topic_mm_id, f.name as forum_name, f.quick_reply, f.id as forum_id, f.read_perms, f.reply_perms, f.parent_id, f.use_html, f.start_perms, f.allow_poll, f.password, f.posts as forum_posts, f.topics as forum_topics, f.upload_perms, f.show_rules, f.rules_text, f.rules_title, c.name as cat_name, c.id as cat_id FROM ibf_topics t, ibf_forums f , ibf_categories c WHERE t.tid=".$ibforums->input['t']." and f.id = t.forum_id and f.category=c.id"); $ibforums->topic_cache = $DB->fetch_row(); $ibforums->input['f'] = $ibforums->topic_cache['forum_id']; } else if ( $ibforums->input['showuser'] != "") { $ibforums->input['act'] = "Profile"; $ibforums->input['MID'] = intval($ibforums->input['showuser']); } else { $ibforums->input['act'] = $ibforums->input['act'] == '' ? "idx" : $ibforums->input['act']; } //-------------------------------- // The rest :D //-------------------------------- $ibforums->member = $sess->authorise(); $ibforums->skin = $std->load_skin(); $ibforums->lastclick = $sess->last_click; $ibforums->location = $sess->location; $ibforums->session_id = $sess->session_id; list($ppu,$tpu) = explode( "&", $ibforums->member['view_prefs'] ); $ibforums->vars['display_max_topics'] = ($tpu > 0) ? $tpu : $ibforums->vars['display_max_topics']; $ibforums->vars['display_max_posts'] = ($ppu > 0) ? $ppu : $ibforums->vars['display_max_posts']; //-------------------------------- // Set up the session ID stuff //-------------------------------- if ( $ibforums->session_type == 'cookie' ) { $ibforums->session_id = ""; $ibforums->base_url = $ibforums->vars['board_url'].'/index.'.$ibforums->vars['php_ext'].'?'; } else { $ibforums->base_url = $ibforums->vars['board_url'].'/index.'.$ibforums->vars['php_ext'].'?s='.$ibforums->session_id.'&'; } $ibforums->js_base_url = $ibforums->vars['board_url'].'/index.'.$ibforums->vars['php_ext'].'?s='.$ibforums->session_id.'&'; //-------------------------------- // Set up the forum_read cookie //-------------------------------- $std->hdl_forum_read_cookie(); //-------------------------------- // Set up the skin stuff //-------------------------------- $ibforums->skin_rid = $ibforums->skin['set_id']; $ibforums->skin_id = 's'.$ibforums->skin['set_id']; $ibforums->vars['img_url'] = 'style_images/' . $ibforums->skin['img_dir']; //-------------------------------- // Set up our language choice //-------------------------------- if ($ibforums->vars['default_language'] == "") { $ibforums->vars['default_language'] = 'en'; } $ibforums->lang_id = $ibforums->member['language'] ? $ibforums->member['language'] : $ibforums->vars['default_language']; if ( ($ibforums->lang_id != $ibforums->vars['default_language']) and (! is_dir( ROOT_PATH."lang/".$ibforums->lang_id ) ) ) { $ibforums->lang_id = $ibforums->vars['default_language']; } $ibforums->lang = $std->load_words($ibforums->lang, 'lang_global', $ibforums->lang_id); //-------------------------------- $skin_universal = $std->load_template('skin_global'); //-------------------------------- // Expire subscription? //-------------------------------- if ( $ibforums->member['sub_end'] != 0 AND ( $ibforums->member['sub_end'] < time() ) ) { $std->expire_subscription(); } //-------------------------------- if ($ibforums->input['act'] != 'Login' and $ibforums->input['act'] != 'Reg' and $ibforums->input['act'] != 'Attach' and $ibforums->input['module'] != 'subscription') { //-------------------------------- // Do we have permission to view // the board? //-------------------------------- if ($ibforums->member['g_view_board'] != 1) { $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'no_view_board') ); } //-------------------------------- // Is the board offline? //-------------------------------- if ($ibforums->vars['board_offline'] == 1) { if ($ibforums->member['g_access_offline'] != 1) { $std->board_offline(); } } //-------------------------------- // Is log in enforced? //-------------------------------- if ( (! $ibforums->member['id']) and ($ibforums->vars['force_login'] == 1) ) { require ROOT_PATH."sources/Login.php"; } } //-------------------------------- // Decide what to do //-------------------------------- $choice = array( "idx" => "Boards", "SC" => "Boards", "SF" => "Forums", "SR" => "Forums", "ST" => "Topics", "Login" => "Login", "Post" => "Post", "Poll" => "lib/add_poll", "Reg" => "Register", "Online" => "Online", "Members" => "Memberlist", "Help" => "Help", "Search" => "Search", "Mod" => "Moderate", "Print" => "misc/print_page", "Forward" => "misc/forward_page", "Mail" => "misc/contact_member", "Invite" => "misc/contact_member", "ICQ" => "misc/contact_member", "AOL" => "misc/contact_member", "YAHOO" => "misc/contact_member", "MSN" => "misc/contact_member", "report" => "misc/contact_member", "chat" => "misc/contact_member", "integ" => "misc/contact_member", "Msg" => "Messenger", "UserCP" => "Usercp", "Profile" => "Profile", "Track" => "misc/tracker", "Stats" => "misc/stats", "Attach" => "misc/attach", 'legends' => 'misc/legends', 'modcp' => 'mod_cp', 'calendar' => "calendar", 'buddy' => "browsebuddy", 'boardrules' => "misc/contact_member", 'mmod' => "misc/multi_moderate", 'warn' => "misc/warn", 'home' => 'dynamiclite/csite', 'module' => 'modules', ); /***************************************************/ // // Check to make sure the array key exits.. if (! isset($choice[ $ibforums->input['act'] ]) ) { $ibforums->input['act'] = 'idx'; } if ( $ibforums->input['act'] == 'home' ) { if ( $ibforums->vars['csite_on'] ) { require ROOT_PATH."sources/dynamiclite/csite.php"; $csite = new click_site(); } else { require ROOT_PATH."sources/Boards.php"; } } else if ( $ibforums->input['act'] == 'module' ) { if ( USE_MODULES == 1 ) { require ROOT_PATH."modules/module_loader.php"; $loader = new module_loader(); } else { require ROOT_PATH."sources/Boards.php"; } } else { // Require and run require ROOT_PATH."sources/".$choice[ $ibforums->input['act'] ].".php"; } //+------------------------------------------------- // GLOBAL ROUTINES //+------------------------------------------------- function fatal_error($message="", $help="") { echo("$message

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